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I am the lord your God 12/16/’13



Posts: 151



Kcwf.the season said;

are you able to see white God with your eyes or how do you see Him, what does it mean to glow as far as describing God


Starjade says; When I flew out of the Living White Sphere and found myself in the Abyss I turned around to see where I had just come from and that is how I saw the Living White Sphere which is the “Living God”. That is how I saw. The Living White Sphere is neither male or female and yet I was born astrally at the core of this Living White Sphere. I has flown out of its core. This by the way makes the Living White Sphere my father and mother. It also believe it or not makes me a son of the living God. The radiance of the light coming from the Living White Sphere is dazzling and very bright. In the dark of the Abyss that radiating light is even bright against the dark of the Abyss. The Living White Sphere then flew away out of my sight. It is not a difficult task to describe what I saw.

I point out again that this Living White Sphere must not be confused with the Sephiroth Kether that is depicted on the Kabbalists Tree of life. They have never heard of the living White Sphere until I contacted them in 1994 offering by the way to sell them the Keys to the Abyss. They are a remarkable product that develope E.S.P and paranormal abilities and also cause astral travel. I thought that they might be interested in buying some from me. Then a whole other event occured from that action ending with a description of an ever nearing apocalypse with a view to the Exodus of all descendants of Abraham out of those future earthquake zones. I do more than just talk you see.

The End of Times Deuteronomy Doomsday Prophet.
The Lord King and King of Kings Starjade.
The Crown of the Living White Sphere of Kether.


Posts: 151

The Deuteronomy Prophet Starjade reminds you.


Deuteronomy Chapter 18 Verse 18:

A Prophet I shall raise up in the MIDST of your Brothers, like you.

And I shall indeed put my words in his mouth and he will certainly speak to them all that I command him.


Deuteronomy Chapter 18 Verse 19:

And it must occur that the man who will not listen to my words that he will speak in my name.

I shall myself require an account from him.


SigmundIvarsson you said; And God’s word is for us to discern our fellowmen, to see if they are what they speak, or not. And to know their doctrines, whether they be of God.


Starjade says; interesting wording however,I have read your words and it seems clear that you are a christian believer. So you show then that you accept and believe in a false doctrine that was designed to deceive. Moses brought the word of the Living God to the Hebrews and such is the law of Deuteronomy Chapter 19 verses 15 onwards, a law that determines matters of the truth regarding any crimes of iniquity and sin.


As you are a christian believer and not then used to hearing the words of the living God as spoken by the Living Gods long awaited Deuteronomy Prophet then let me show you by your own blasphemy that the words I speak are true. In the false doctrine of the New Testament the writers wrote in the knowing of the law of Deuteronomy They said in foolish confidence Jesus had said in John Chapter 5 Verse 31: If I alone bear witness to myself, my witness is not true. Also in John Chapter 8 Verse 17: Jesus said to the Jews: Also in your own law it is written, the witness of two men is true.


So then as you see two or three witnesses are needed to establish if a thing is true or not. There are no witnesses to any angel called Gabriel appearing to prophesy the coming of Jesus or John the baptist and no witnesses to any birth of the character called Jesus or of any miracles or of any crucifixion. It is all just a hearsay tale made up so that it might be believed and those like you accepted that these words were from the Living God when the Living Gods Deuteronomy laws clearly show that they were not. Practice then what you preach and think deeper upon your own acts and deeds and beliefs for they are shallow in their applications. You do not see these things as your mind is closed by your own beliefs. So then you become prone to errors.

The End of Times Deuteronomy Doomsday Prophet.
The Lord King and King of Kings Starjade.
The Crown of the Living White Sphere of Kether.


Posts: 151

SigmundIvarsson you said; Those that are of God speak His words, for they received of His Spirit without measure. They keep and teach the commandments of God, and His judgments, and statutes.


Starjade says; And that is why I speak these things so do not take such observations personaly but instead open your mind and learn from my revelations.



SigmundIvarsson you said; Yes they do Paul but they speak to real people. Jesus spoke to real people. Imagine running around with a wet nurse asking people to have a taste of her tits. That is the same as going around quoting scriptures to strangers is like.


Starjade says; Do you see by the above statement that it is clear that you are a christian believer. Yet Deuteronomy law and other things {by the way} do show the tales about Jesus were not true. Yet you in a follish delusion believed without even examining if what was said could be true or not. You then are a contradiction of yourself in a foolish mind when you stated


And God’s word is for us to discern our fellowmen, to see if they are what they speak, or not. And to know their doctrines, whether they be of God.


For you follow and pass on words of a doctrine that is a blasphemy to the Living God. What then does that make you. Beside a hypercritical foolhardy delusional man. Or up your own butt to put it more bluntly.


SigmundIvarsson you said; Jesus obeyed the commandments of the Torah because he was a Rabbi. As such he would have been a hypocrite to teach a law that he was bound to keep.


Starjade says; Since when was this new testament character Jesus a Rabbi. You have invented a new thing. Was this character Jesus claimed to have been a Levite. For only those of that tribe were in those days the Rabbis’.

Would Jesus inherit David’s throne?  
(a) Yes. So said the {cough) angel (Luke 1:32).  
(b) No, since he is a descendant of Jehoiakim (see Matthew 1:11, 1 Chronicles 3:16). And Jehoiakim was cursed by God so that none of his descendants can sit upon David’s throne (Jeremiah 36:30).

SigmundIvarsson you said; He according to this law must also have been married or else he would not be allowed to minister. Are you married? If you obey these laws as you say, you should be married too.


Starjade says; I have sired three children here on earth and at no time was marriage a consideration. Do not take all laws literally. We do not live in those times. I am the Crown of the “Living God” yet i can ignore a law if I choose to as I know that no bolt of lightening is going to blast out from the skies. In case you did not read the New Testament doctrine of blasphemy this character Jesus was portrayed as being a homosexual who often went into the desert with men. Very shady activity in any time. Of course the Roman writers were all into butt f—ing and so it was bound to come out in their imaginative writings.

The End of Times Deuteronomy Doomsday Prophet.
The Lord King and King of Kings Starjade.
The Crown of the Living White Sphere of Kether.


Posts: 151

SigmundIvarsson you said; Now the new testament was not yet written and the basic precept that we need to understand is that Jesus brought us salvation from the law.


Starjade says; Well actually these laws as you point out were writ long before the silly tales of the New Testament. So it had nothing to do with the character Jesus as those laws were writ intending to bring Salvation when they were noted down. So you are passing on undeserved adulation without justification. I thought I should point out that you are overstepping the truth with your fantasies.



SigmundIvarsson you said; We should now be operating under a new covenant. Obeying the spirit of the law not the letter. Do you know why the letter of the Torah could never be modified under the penalty of death? Because the Hebrew alphabet was a code and each letter was attributed a numerical value so that even if a single letter was omitted the code would alter the whole universe.


Starjade says; Sheeesh and there was me just previous saying not to take the word of the law so literally. I must be psychic. {That a Starjade joke by the way.} my paranormal abilities are already an astonishment. Yes there is a code but it is not just in the word but in the whole paragraphs of words. It is understanding what the words are saying that gets things mixed up. Such as for instance the word Adam. This was originally Adamon which means mankind. If you short it then the tale of the Garden of Eden and Adam takes a whole other meaning. Rather like the word “Christ” The Christ is not the last name of Jesus but in fact it is a mushroom known as the Key to Heaven and Hell. It was writ in code as being the very fruit that grew upon the Tree of Knowledge in the garden of Eden. It did not grow on the bough but at the base of the Tree. Such hidden knowledge like this travels throughout the old Testament. Clearly you have no understanding of these hidden things these hidden codes.

The End of Times Deuteronomy Doomsday Prophet.
The Lord King and King of Kings Starjade.
The Crown of the Living White Sphere of Kether.

Posts: 151

SigmundIvarsson you said; The word truly was God. No man could decode these numbers until the age of the computer. But the new covenant which is the new testament had no such constraints .


Starjade says; Well now I have shown I understand a hidden code within the text of the Old Testament and you forget this thing called word of mouth. The writers understood the code. They did leave clues but so few could grasp them without having a bigger picture. The assholes that wrote the Christians new Testament did not realise these hidden things and so they spoke of Jesus as the Christ not realising it meant something else. That is what one gets for earwigging conversations in shadows. Without the full story they see a different message. I think this phenomena is known as a Chinese whisper.



SigmundIvarsson you said; You are defending an ancient covenant which no longer has any consequences on reality other than to give us moral guidance for living in society. You in fact in a thought process which does not allow you to escape into the freedom of the spirit . you are in fact a prisoner of your own thought process. You have built a prison that you cannot escape from. Only I can set you free. I am the gate keeper. Not to keep you from entering but to keep you from escaping. If I say to you I have left the gate open and you can escape. You would probably not want to. You have been institutionalized and could not survive outside and probably would commit suicide not being able to live outside. You truly are a sick little puppy.


Starjade says; I think you will find that you are not a gate keeper but an inmate who stares at a wall and think it will give you a revelation if you think long and hard about it and if it is plausible to you then you must shout out that you discovered the secrets of eternity whiles all along you just sat and stared at a blank wall with a silly imagination. You obviously are an inmate not a gatekeeper. It is only understanding my words and seeing the errors of your ways that could set your sort free. Of course such a task for you is likened to pissing on the leg of a ghost and not the holy kind.

The End of Times Deuteronomy Doomsday Prophet.
The Lord King and King of Kings Starjade.
The Crown of the Living White Sphere of Kether.


Posts: 151


SigmundIvarsson you said; Like I have said before the law condemns but the spirit sets free. You cannot believe my words because you are an unbeliever and as such you should probably stay locked up where you are. There at least you can do no harm to yourself and to others either.


Starjade says; The law passes a Judgement and is designed as advice and direction. In your own pomposity you cannot see that it is you who is locked up along with your mindful imaginations. You sit by a computer all proud and boastful yet oblivious to the prison of your own making and whiles you feed out self indulgence, pomp and blasphemy you do not grasp such words are harmful to yourself and to others.


Far be it for me to go speaking the words of the Living God even though I oft do but did you not hear that the Living God said you must not follow false prophets and the gods of those false prophets imaginations. Yet here you sit guilty as charged. It seems so insignificant to you but consider this. Blasphemy carries a death penalty. A death by stoning. Now for a brief moment look at me the living Gods long awaited Deuteronomy Prophet as established by the law of Deuteronomy Chapter 19 verses 15 onwards and by my acts and deeds and the many signs in the heavens. I came to this Planet with a knowledge of world wide earthquakes and land movements and a 900km eruption that blasted out the Arctic Circle and the whole of Alaska. So then it is a clear fact I am Judging this Planet and that I can stone entire continents to death just by remaining silent. Do not be so sure in feeling that you are safe for your acts of blasphemy. I have already Judged Christians and Muslims and my teeth are gnashing.


Praying to false prophets and false gods will not save you from a stone building if it does fall. Consider the look on your children s faces as they plead to you for help you pompous self opinionated pretentious self serving Saviour.

The End of Times Deuteronomy Doomsday Prophet.
The Lord King and King of Kings Starjade.
The Crown of the Living White Sphere of Kether.


Posts: 151

SigmundIvarsson you said; Jesus Christ man your posts are like the length of a toilet paper roll. A used one at that. You say that you stick to what he actually said but you weren’t there. So it is just hearsay.


Starjade says; ahaha all quotes from the christians fabricated new testament are like bog paper for sure and as often seen those christians have to bungin some Old Testament quotes as they do not grasp that the Old Testament is Hebrew and not Christian. So at least you begin to grasp and understand the meaning of a hearsay testament. It is a thing that cannot be proven for it is not a witness statement. The whole of the New Testament is all just hearsay.




SigmundIvarsson you said; I hear him saying exactly what to say to you this very instant. I need not go and look into a book to tell you what he saying right now. He is saying that you are a Pharisee like the ones that came against him when he spoke. Since I am his servant why should I be treated any better . But I will just rebuke you and send you on your way like he did them.




Starjade says; By the way when you went looking for insight in the “Book” {snigger} did you not notice the staggering errors those lazy writers made in their supposed gospel truths?


Did Judas kiss Jesus? 

(a) Yes (Matthew 26:48-50). 

(b) No. Judas could not get close enough to Jesus to kiss him (John 18:3-12).

What did they teach you all in Sunday school eh.


Test yourself without think or looking it up name all the so claimed disciples of Jesus and see how many you know or name at least four of them then write those answers down to see if you were a good christian. I test many with such a test.


The best test of all of course to those who brag they have religious enlightenment is to ask one simple question. What is the Old Testament meaning of the “Morning Star”


Come on lets see how clever you are. If you brag a brag then let us see if you can walk the walk. Like what I can.

The End of Times Deuteronomy Doomsday Prophet.
The Lord King and King of Kings Starjade.
The Crown of the Living White Sphere of Kether.


Posts: 151

SigmundIvarsson wrote:

Please Philip you know how fond I am of my bitches I attract them like flees to a dog. So let me enjoy this one while she endures me fresh bitches maybe a bit younger.

Starjade says;  You should be wary Sigmundvarsson.  When people say you are a master debater you misunderstood what they were saying.  I note there is a lot of homosexual yacklings in your comment.  No wonder you became a christian what with the character Jesus being portrayed as being homosexual.  It is bound to entice masterdebaters such as yourself.

The End of Times Doomsday Prophet
The Lord King and King of Kings. Starjade
The Crown of the “Living White Sphere”. of Kether.


Posts: 151

After viewing this forum board I noticed that you do seem to be speaking only to yourself in streams of nonsense with multitudes of religiously ignorant words in threads ignored sigmundivarsson.  As with all master debaters it is clear then that for a long time you have simply been trolling this forum with your shallow opinions and playing as expected with just with yourself.  Clearly you are a lonely fellow.  After seeing what you have written I understand why you are talking so much to yourself and begging people to be your audience.  

I have written on many forum and on some tens of thousands replied and held conversations with regards to religious matters.  They were often experts in their fields of religious knowledge pertaining to their specific religions.  In my view sigmundivarsson you are well out of your depths and as insignificant to me as the stench of gnats pee on a summers day.  
Be to the wise and be wary.  Your sorts always puts your foot in your big mouth and end up with embarrisments the price of you thinking that you were clever.  Truth is you are a mere novice and should be careful about speaking about things that you know nothing about.  
And so sayeth the Lord.
The End of Times Deuteronomy Doomsday Prophet.
The Lord King and King of Kings Starjade.
The Crown of the Living White Sphere of Kether.
Sigmund Ivarsson


Posts: 5450

Jesus was also called blasphemous and also was going to get stoned. He also spoke of himself and was a prophet. I speak of things that are yet to come but they are things of good portent. I I could find another way to describe the I, I would. If I had another face would I be wearing this one.This is my face and that is my name. We are all Gods. Jesus said don’t you know that you are Gods. He did not think it robbery to call himself equal with God. Neither do I. You come here with your doom and gloom mouth diarrhea and say that you are a prophet so I challenge you dip-shit. The spirit in everyman is God and there is only one God. one spirit so you come here and think that I do not know your spirit. So starjade when the truth is revealed are you going to run away and hide or come and say Oh my God I am sorry. I post under my real name and have no doubt about what I say. You wana be my bitch that is fine just stick around. I love my bitches. if you are right you should be able to debate me and stand in my presence. But you are going to sneak away like all the other rats when fire from heaven comes to devour the false prophets. I am fearless but not you. I have a mission to accomplish. I piss on your posts and then burn them up. You are probably going to delete them and run away so that the example of how to deal with false prophets is erased but my scribe will record them for posterity.

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